Jul 12, 2014

Tribute to Damon and Elena

While waiting for the new season of The Vampire Diaries to start, and before facing the emotional roller coaster mentioned by Jeffrey Hunt (TVD director), we want to make a little tribute to Damon and Elena's love story. A tribute because no other love story touched our soul like this one, and no other made us feel this way.

Delena is not the ordinary love at first sight story we are used to see on TV series or movies, where the characters fall in love at the beginning and everybody knows they are predestined to be together. No, Delena is a REAL love story, where the feelings arise bit by bit, day by day. A long and EPIC journey where we see them going from hate to friendship and from friendship to love. These are the best love stories, because they make us being fully immersed in the story, making us wanting more and more every day. 

Another fact that makes Delena being unique is the inimitable Damon Salvatore character, played masterfully by the charismatic Ian Somerhalder. Damon is not the typical prince of charming. In fact, at the beginning of the series, he is the main villain. We are tired of the typical cliche "the good boy always remain with the girl". Bad boys deserve a happy ending too. And in fact Damon is not really bad. He is a character that the only thing he has ever wanted in life is to be loved. Love has always guided his movements. When everybody takes him for a lost cause, Elena is the only one that sees the good inside of him. As Kevin Williamson said: "Elena is the one who helped Damon find his home, and his home is Elena". Can be anything be more romantic than this?

Love story itself starts at the Miss Mystic Falls dance. Elena goes downstairs, Stephan is missing in action, Damon takes his place and we almost have a heart attack! It's difficult to describe the magic of this scene in words. Then, they start dancing and everyone disappears, there are only the two of them. Elena is suspicious at first but when Damon smiles at her she let herself go. And the most important part, she experiences the intimacy of the near touch mentioned by Tyler's mother. In a few words, the way they look each other is more erotic than many sex scenes in other shows. This is the power of DELENA.

And like that one, the rest of Delena scenes are mythical. The creators of the series always choose a perfect song that fits perfectly with the plot and remains in our memory. We never get tired and could be seeing them all over again, thousand times. Who can forget the moment when Damon confesses to Elena, erasing her memory right afterwards; the so awaited kiss in the motel; their first real meeting; the way Damon teaches Elena to be a vampire; the erotic dirty dance; when they finally had sex (despite we don't  like Carolyne in the middle of them); the post break sex scene; etc. All of them are perfect and it's difficult to say which one would be the best one for us.

But the true merit is that creators of TVD have managed to make loyal viewers don't loss interest. The last episode 5x22 is among our favourite ones, if not the best. In that episode, we could finally hear what we had been expecting for a long time: they want to be together, forever, this is the only future that they see. And in order to be together they are even ready to die. Although the best part of the episode is the Goodbye speech from Damon to Elena. This speech is the best declaration of pure and true love that a man can give to a woman. It left us breathless! This episode is all we were expecting and yes, we have to admit it, we wanted Damon to die, but only to change roles whith Elena. Now it is Elena's turn to suffer and fight for him. 

As the expression says "absense makes the heart grow fonder". This is what we are expecting  now. The reunion of Damon  Salvatore and Elena Gilbert in season 6 will be THE BEST SCENE OF TVD. How will it be? What song will they use? we don't know but one thing is for sure: thanks to the crew of TVD we know that it will be perfect.

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