Jun 9, 2014


   At the end of Season 5 we could see Damon and Bonnie ending with a white light covering them, and Damon without finishing his last sentence “I don’t kn….” So where are them? We know they will be back in Season 6, as confirmed by Julie Plec. Furthermore, there was a clue about that in 5x22, when Damon kisses Elena and promises her he will come back to here. But where, when and in what form? About the form we already discussed in previous note: we are sure he will come back as human. But where is he? There are different possibilities here: 

1- He can be with Bonnie in heaven. He will communicate with Elena in her dreams during the first episodes, so that she will suspect that he is still alive and there should be a way to take him (and Bonnie) back to Earth. If she could suspect that something wrong was happening to Stephan at the beginning of Season 5, why should not be capable of detecting Damon is somewhere around and could be rescued? Although this theory of heaven doesn't have much sense for us because if they are there with the rest of people that died (e.g. aunt Jenna), why our friends will only make them back to life, and not the rest?

2- Taking into account that the writers wanted to decrease the level of mythology aspects in the new seasons and make it more real and organic, we think that Damon probably came back to Earth at the end of 5x22, just as the others did. Maybe Bonnie's grandmother replaced Bonnie as the anchor in the last minute and traslated them to Earth before The Other side was gone. Why not?

From previous 2 hypotheses, the one that has more sense for us is the second one. But if he is on the Earth, why he has not returned with his friends? Because he has his memory lost. Personally this idea is not our preferred one, but is the only explanation we can find to the fact that he does not appears with his loves in the first episode. He has lost his memory and is somewhere around, living his life although not completely, because he feels something is missing him. Damon could dream about Elena or see her face somewhere, like in a newspaper. This could be the detonant for him to start seeking  answers about his past. 

But in this case, how will the writers make him finally come back to Elena? This is a point that will be continuously discussed in this blog, where we will be detailing our hypothesis with every spoiler we could have from Writers. Will you help us to complete it and guess where Damon is? Feel free to provide your own hypothesis and work together with us in this blog!

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