Delena best fan made videos

Damon & Elena - "I want my memories back" [6x06] DELENA's Story by xStormyProdz

[6x06] Damon & Elena - "Photograph"  by Naphie88

Damon & Elena "Everything they wanted" by damondandelena11

Damon + Elena "Until the very end" [5x22] by teamdelenaXi

Damon & Elena. Don't deserve you by Naphie88

Damon & Elena I promise you. Unbreakable twin flames by Oulina

Damon + Elena 5x18 we're real by eresmiadrenalina

Damon and Elena say something by Rememberorbely

Damon&Elena. Chasing cars 5x22 by Elepatro

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