Jun 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Damon Salvatore!

Today, 28th June 2014, we should be celebrating the birthday of our beloved character of The Vampire Diaries: DAMON SALVATORE.

Even if we don't know where he is, one thing is sure: we know he is alive. So this is for you Damon: happy birthday, angel, wherever you are! Come back to us as soon as possible, we miss you.

Vampire Diaries cast come back to work in one week!

Holidays always have an end. And this is also the case for our favourite actors. There are rumours circulating in social networks that indicate Season 6 filming starts on July 7, 2014. Countdown has started !!

Jun 27, 2014


Great news! The CW has released premiere date. Season 6 of The Vampire Diaries will start on Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 at 8/7c. Just only 3 months of agony and we will be rewarded!

Jun 11, 2014


Bryan Young, writter on The Vampire Diaries, announced yesterday in his twitter that he has returned back to work. "I could pretend like I'm not happy to be back at work, but who am I kidding." Great news for all of us!!

Jun 9, 2014


   At the end of Season 5 we could see Damon and Bonnie ending with a white light covering them, and Damon without finishing his last sentence “I don’t kn….” So where are them? We know they will be back in Season 6, as confirmed by Julie Plec. Furthermore, there was a clue about that in 5x22, when Damon kisses Elena and promises her he will come back to here. But where, when and in what form? About the form we already discussed in previous note: we are sure he will come back as human. But where is he? There are different possibilities here: 

1- He can be with Bonnie in heaven. He will communicate with Elena in her dreams during the first episodes, so that she will suspect that he is still alive and there should be a way to take him (and Bonnie) back to Earth. If she could suspect that something wrong was happening to Stephan at the beginning of Season 5, why should not be capable of detecting Damon is somewhere around and could be rescued? Although this theory of heaven doesn't have much sense for us because if they are there with the rest of people that died (e.g. aunt Jenna), why our friends will only make them back to life, and not the rest?

2- Taking into account that the writers wanted to decrease the level of mythology aspects in the new seasons and make it more real and organic, we think that Damon probably came back to Earth at the end of 5x22, just as the others did. Maybe Bonnie's grandmother replaced Bonnie as the anchor in the last minute and traslated them to Earth before The Other side was gone. Why not?

From previous 2 hypotheses, the one that has more sense for us is the second one. But if he is on the Earth, why he has not returned with his friends? Because he has his memory lost. Personally this idea is not our preferred one, but is the only explanation we can find to the fact that he does not appears with his loves in the first episode. He has lost his memory and is somewhere around, living his life although not completely, because he feels something is missing him. Damon could dream about Elena or see her face somewhere, like in a newspaper. This could be the detonant for him to start seeking  answers about his past. 

But in this case, how will the writers make him finally come back to Elena? This is a point that will be continuously discussed in this blog, where we will be detailing our hypothesis with every spoiler we could have from Writers. Will you help us to complete it and guess where Damon is? Feel free to provide your own hypothesis and work together with us in this blog!

Jun 3, 2014

Damon, human in Season 6?


After weeks of speculations, our suspicions were confirmed: Damon died at the end of Season 5, leaving hundreds (even thousands) of fans incredibly touched and devastated after the epic farewell speech to Elena. Being Damon one of the main characters of TVD, we know it is impossible that he is gone forever. So where is he? how is it supposed that he will return if The Other Side has gone forever, as continuously remarked by TVD writers? and how will he return? There is only one thing we know for sure: he is dead for a reason; and of course we have a theory about how he will return….because one thing is sure, he will come back in season 6 !

After episode 5x22, Julie Plec said in an interview that Tyler is the only character that returned human from The Other Side because he was the only one that died in his human form. The others are still vampires.

Despite of that, after waking up in The Other Side during episode 5x22, we remarked Damon had no strength to raise the iron bar for saving sheriff Forbes; fortunately Alaric was there to help him. 

Can it be possible that he was already human? In fact, we don’t see how Damon dies exactly. When he crashes the car into The Mystic Grill, the only thing that we know is that he wasn’t wearing the seat belt and this made him fly out of the car. Maybe this probably protected him from the explosion and in the end, he died by the gunshot wound. Also remarkable the fact that Damon’s dead body was not so burned as Elena’s, at least in the images that we could see, so he couldn’t die due to the fire.. It’s true too that Elena finds Bonnie first in The Other side, which means that she died first.. All these points bears out the fact that Damon could die in his human form… 

Could it be that a surprise for season 6 that Julie wants to keep as a secret?

There are several points that reinforce our theory: 1) a creature that symbolizes evil does not deserve a second chance to life, so he was probably human when he died; 2) coming back as human from death is the only way he could be converted into human without getting older quickly, as it happened to Katherine in previous episodes when she took “the cure”; 3) at the end of season 4, Elena asks Damon to take the cure because he had been bitten by a werewolf. He said that he couldn’t stand the fact of being growing old whereas she was remaining young. We know that in this series nothing is said by chance, so this could be a clue of what is coming in the next episodes.

Don’t forget that Ian Somerhalder said in an interview that Damon comes back in Season 6 in a different way and that all of them are very excited about it.

A good question that arises here is: in that case, why was he in The Other Side if he died already as human? it is a good question, in fact, and our answer here is probably due to the magic ring he is wearing to be protected from the sun. Although of course it is one of our theories, and it can be open to more speculations…

Another open point that last episode left us for speculations is: where is he now, if The Other Side does not exist anymore? we know that, thanks to Bonnie’s grandma, both Bonnie and Damon were saved and went to a mysterious place. At the end of the episode we could see they were surrounded by a white light, different from the darkness that abducted Katherine and Markos previously. This is the same white light that surrounded Damon and Elena during the epic kissing scene in the middle of the episode (their last kiss). The series logo is white too at the end of the episode and in the promotional poster of season 6 we can see Damon, Elena and Stephan with a mysterious white mist floating between them. Could it be a kind of Heaven?


But, wasn’t it Julie Plec that mentioned that they wanted to stop all the mythological stuff and making the series more organical and normal? how can they do this if 2 main characters are lost in “heaven” or wherever they are? is it possible then that they could be back to Earth without anybody knowing about it? everything can happen in this series, so why not?


What do you think? Do you want our beloved Damon back as human? and where is he? We know that there is nothing sexiest in the world than Damon as a vampire but even so our answer is YES, we want DAMON HUMAN in Season 6!!!!!! This is the only way he could get the human life he has always wanted and deserved, growing old, having children and building a future with her beloved Elena once she is also converted into human, maybe in Season 7...although this is another topic for speculations.
